5 Fa­mous Trees in Pop Culture

You’ve seen lists for fa­mous dogs and cats in Hol­ly­wood, ever won­der about trees? Pop cul­ture is made up of any­thing that’s hot and trend­ing, and more of­ten than not, that usu­al­ly means any­thing in pop­u­lar film, books, and songs.

Here’s some fa­mous trees that have swept pop culture:

1. The Whomp­ing Willow

Who does­n’t know Har­ry Pot­ter and the mas­sive ef­fect it had on read­ing books at a time when read­ing was ap­par­ent­ly go­ing down? Har­ry Pot­ter and his friends had many ad­ven­tures at Hog­warts School for Witch­craft and Wiz­ardry, but none as fright­en­ing than fac­ing the whomp­ing wil­low. The an­gry tree shred­ded any­thing that came its way, in­clud­ing Ron’s fa­ther’s fly­ing car and his wand!

2. Groot

Guardian’s of the Galaxy did­n’t fit the sterotyp­i­cal im­age of su­per­heros, yet it’s won many fans. And one of the he­roes is none oth­er than a tree it­self. Meet Groot, who on­ly says three words: “I am Groot.” He may be a tree, but no­body mess­es with him.

3. Grand­moth­er Willow

We’ve all grown up on Dis­ney movies, and one of my favourites was Poc­a­hon­tas. The songs, the stun­ning land­scapes and of course wise old Grand­moth­er Wil­low was made this a clas­sic. Her sound ad­vice to “lis­ten with your heart” be­came a mantra for many of us grow­ing up.

4. The Tree of Voic­es in Avatar

One of the most mes­mer­iz­ing scenes in sci­ence-fic­tion Avatar was how the Na’vi peo­ple con­nect­ed with the Tree of Voic­es. And one of the most shock­ing scenes is when the hu­mans just tear it down! We’re just hop­ing that it’s mag­i­cal­ly back up again in the se­quel. *fin­gers crossed*

5. Tree­beard

The talk­ing tree that not on­ly walks but en­cour­aged by Mer­ry and Pip­pin wages war on Saru­man. The leader of an an­cient race of crea­tures called Ents makes for some mem­o­rable scenes in Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. 

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