Shaped Colours I Ketubah

Size:16" x 24" (Other sizes available)
Material:Verona Giclée (Other materials available)
Personalization:$75 (Optional) Read more
Shipping:$18 or free domestic USA non-rush shipping with personalization (international & rush available) See all shipping options

Artist Statement

Large asym­met­ri­cal shapes in a dis­or­der­ly fash­ion make up the low­er half of the Shaped Col­ors Ke­tubah. The con­tem­po­rary piece has 4 shapes in con­trast­ing sol­id colours float­ing above two par­al­lel thick lines. The min­i­mal­ist de­sign is the per­fect ac­ces­so­ry to a home de­void of un­nec­es­sary clutter. 

This ke­tubah is per­fect for fans of con­tem­po­rary art. The sim­ple and artis­tic piece makes as good a back­ground for your ke­tubah, as an ad­di­tion to your liv­ing room wall. The sub­dued colours and de­sign keeps your ke­tubah solemn gives off an air of maturity. 

The Shaped Colours I Ke­tubah is part of our Shaped Colours Se­ries of Ke­tubah. Please see the se­ries page to see the same ke­tubah in dif­fer­ent colours.

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